Charity Chics provides a casual atmosphere for women to gather and learn more about each other and the various companies represented by each member and guest.

Charity Chics is industry exclusive, only allowing one member per profession.

In the spirit of the busy working woman who multi-tasks across many priorities, Charity Chics maximizes two hours each month, providing its members with a means to socialize and snack, network and market, and support several local charities — all in one night!

At the beginning of each year, Charity Chics members vote on three charities to fund for the year. Many of the charities assist women or young girls in some way.

Charity Chics generates income for its charitable donations through membership dues, meeting fees, table display fees and prize drawings.

The North Tampa/Pasco  chapter of Charity Chics was founded in April of 2013 by the co-owners of Independent Financial Services, Jeannie Holliday and Jodi Perez.  As members of the original chapter of Charity Chics in Tampa, Jodi and Jeannie wanted to bring this unique networking opportunity to Pasco County. 

Since the start of the chapter, Charity Chics North Tampa/Pasco has donated over $20,000 to local non-profits: Fulfill Your Destiny, Sunrise of Pasco, Alzheimer’s Family Organization, Luis E. Torres Scholarship Fund, Gulfside Hospice, Dress for Sucess, PACE Center for Girls, Pasco Junior Service League, Women in Charge and BPW Calusa.